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7 Networking Myths Veterans are Told

5 years ago from Jane Hurst

Transitioning veterans may feel daunted about the job market. From personal brands to networking, you have heard different advice including some advice that is incorrect....

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Networking is easier than most people think

5 years ago from Stuart Egrin

Networking is work, make no mistake about it. But it is not complicated at all. People network all the time when they ask "who do...

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6 years ago from Christine Bourne

Many of the most well revered success coaches talk the great power in surrounding yourself with amazing people. Are you?

Entrepreneurs are a unique bunch,...

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7 Office Team-Building Activities for Veterans

6 years ago from Jane Hurst

Team building is an integral part of office management. Making sure veterans fit in to your office structure is important for them and productivity in...

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In Search of an Organizational Chart in the Consulting World

7 years ago from John Wolsborn

I get it, believe me. Having served in the military in one form or another for many years and serving government clients as a consultant...

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Networking: A critical step in your use of job boards to find your next career

7 years ago from Nathan Brewster

Many new career candidates search for their next career opportunity using job boards. A critical step in your job board activity is to also reach...

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Yeah, Yeah. Network, Network, Network...

8 years ago from Jacqueline Contreras, CPRW

As an avid veteran advocate, I attend as many military- and veteran-specific events as I can, especially when they are related to employment or transition. ...

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Getting Your Resume to the Right People

9 years ago from Craig Bush

Many of us have been there. You want a job, but you have no idea how to get the right people to pay attention or...

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Maximize Potential by Joining & Supporting Community Organizations

9 years ago from Scott Hardy

As an educator in fire suppression, emergency medical services, confined space rescue, etc., I promote myself and my company by becoming involved in local, state...

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Do Not Be Afraid to Ask

9 years ago from Erik Lindholm

Welcome home and thank you for your service.

Pick yourself up by your boot straps and get the job done! There is no substitute for...

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