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Managers - Don't Plan a Meeting - Facilitate a Forum

3 years ago from Regina Miller

Employees need to be heard. Especially now.

In this heartfelt letter, Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn Ferry, reminds us that everyone on our team has...

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Top 10 Attributes I Look for in a Leader – by Chris Costello, Executive Sales Leader…Best 50 Women in Business. Executive Positions at AT&T.

4 years ago from Christina Costello

As a leader who has managed teams of up to 600 people in a fast-paced business with a constant flow of people movement, spotting talent quickly...

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What if you felt good about work every day?

4 years ago from Steve Adolt

How many times in the last five days did you feel good about the work you've done? The last two weeks? The last month?


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Difference Between Working At Non-Profit And For-Profit Organization

6 years ago from Anna Marsh

At the time of joining any organization, enhancing knowledge about its particular structure, goals, and needs is very important for a huge success. There are...

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Military Cyber Professionals - Are You a Technical Leader or a People Leader?

6 years ago from Jay Hicks

One of the first professional questions many often ponder during military transition, is the decision of becoming a technical leader or a people leader. As...

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What Makes an Effective Leader

7 years ago from Muzzamil Shaukat

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams

One of...

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Workplace Prejudice & How to Keep an Open Mind

8 years ago from Charles (Chuck) Postma

Several years ago I stood in a manufacturing facility and observed a worker from a distance that in my opinion seemed to have no heart...

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Workplace Diversity

8 years ago from Charles (Chuck) Postma

Right now there is a lot of emphasis on workplace diversity and its all well and good. As leaders we need to support and embrace...

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Do I Have Enough Military Experience for the PMP® Application?

8 years ago from Jay Hicks

Translating your military experience is often one of the most challenging transitional tasks to accomplish. You have been told on multiple occasions that you need...

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Using Chastisement as a Management Tool

8 years ago from Charles (Chuck) Postma

In my experience, using chastisement as a management tool is foolish. Let me provide three examples of how using chastisement of subordinates will destroy your...

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