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Can anyone help me get my own business started?


Bobby Richard, Jr. Eunice , LA

I need some help getting my two businesses started...can anyone help me please???

3 July 2021 14 replies Small Business



Oscar Velasco Kathleen , GA

What type of business are you looking to start? Are you thinking of beginning your business from scratch? Have you ever thought on a franchise opportunity? What’s your opinion on partnerships?


Kenneth Lewis Colorado Springs , CO

In addition to the resources that was listed, there is also and

You can find some additional resources located on


Gable Eaton Chattanooga , TN

Bobby, there are plenty of people here in the network that can help you on your road to starting, running and owning your own business. What any one of us will need is your idea. Feel free to reach and we can discuss getting you on road.


Lucy Jensen Topanga , CA

Have you thought of a franchise
Franchise Ownership - FREE Service for Our Veterans

One in seven franchises in the United States is owned by a military veteran. I represent some profitable franchises that are looking for veterans interested in becoming their own boss.
I recently interviewed the director of VETFRAN and we discussed why Veterans are such a great fit for franchising:

Greg is an entrepreneur and a Certified Franchise Executive (CFE). As a franchise consultant, I’m basically a “matchmaker” for people interested in exploring owning a franchise. I work with clients to help them navigate the process of selecting a franchise based on investment level, skill set and lifestyle desired. I represent a portfolio of 600+ emerging brands.

Let me know if you are interested in learning more about franchise ownership and we could schedule a quick call.


ACP AdvisorNet Staff New York , NY

Hi Bobby - if you are interested, ACP offers small business mentors - click here to sign up:


Jordie Kern Amherst , MA

Good for you, Bobby! Happy to share my experiences, mistakes I made, suggest resources, etc.


Michael Horn Marietta , GA

Yes. Sign up for the VETtoCEO free six week course, Entrepreneurship for Transitioning Warriors, at


Bob Molluro Wilmington , DE

Bobby I am a business advisor and have had my own business for over 23 years. I would be happy to speak with you. Send me an email with your preferred times.
My email is


Taube Weiner Dedham , MA

Hi Bobby,
All the answers you got are right on. I started my own business and am wiling to walk with you through the process. I needed someone to talk with weekly to help me stay on track. If you still need help contact me through my web site.



Ralph Garcia Nashville , TN

Bunker Labs is also a good resource.


Jennifer Liddle Huntsville , AL

Hi, Bobby! Below are a few websites for you to check out. Best of luck to you!


Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans

SBA for Veterans


Jerry Welsh Middleville , MI

I will parrot James, Chamber of Commerce and SBA. Also a bigger Chamber chapter may have a SCORE group to assist you, key her is assist. James was dead on about work! Thanks for your service and God Bless.


Jennifer Polhemus Santa Monica , CA

You'll get some good help here I think, Bobby, but choose one (or both) of the businesses and provide an overview, so we know how best to guide you :)


James Watters Norman , OK

Petty Officer 3rd Class Richard -
So you want to start a business. Okay prepare for lots of hard work, disappointment and the greatest satisfaction possible. One word of caution, with the limited information given, you may want to concentrate on just ONE new business.

A business plan is a must. It will train you to think in detail. There are hundreds of questions that need to be addressed. The Small Business Administration, your State commerce department and Small Business Development Centers have great information regarding new business start-ups. Money - how much do you need to start the business AND keep it going until the company’s revenue sustains the business? Sources of money - your equity, investor contributions and debt. A lending firm (banks, credit unions, etc.) will insist on seeing a formal plan. Check out the Internet for business plans and business plan writers.

Maybe the most important factor in starting a new business is your attitude. Your ability to stay focused, your determination to get up from a set-back and your willingness to adapt to changing circumstances will carry you through to profitability. And that’s the goal - profitability. Forget about what you have heard … “All new businesses lose money at first.” Plan and MANAGE your business to be profitable from day one.

Good luck Navy

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