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Any Advice for a 25 year Marine Corps Veteran who has been job searching for 2.5 years?


Brian Kurtz Glen Allen , VA

I have been at this for 2.5 years and I have gotten to the point where I am totally empty and numb inside from all of the rejections. I actually thought going to college was going to give me an edge in getting into a job and yet all I get is No's. My last interview I had with the Defense Logistics Agency at the Defense Supply Center here in Richmond,Va. actually gave me hope. I had applied on for a Financial Management Position that would have been a perfect fit for me. It was for a PACE Program they have where you are brought on as a GS-7 and for two years you're mentored, trained and take numerous classes for two years. At the two year mark your expected to be certified and they bump you up to GS-9. My interview was flawless and as a token of my appreciation, I sent all the members on my interview board thank you cards. The whole PACE program is equivalent to an internship. Two weeks later I saw on that I was not hired!! That was like taking a kick in the gut and it knocked all of the wind out of me to where I am now starting to believe after 2.5 years, there is no hope.

7 July 2014 15 replies Mentoring



Marianna Rothbard New Haven , CT

Hi Brian,
Are you still job seeking? I'd be happy to speak with you and review your materials and strategies. I've had 2 bouts of unemployment in the past 3 years. I've been there.


Michael Belcher Maryville , TN

Try this website: choose careers. I have worked here 30+ years, first hourly now in mgmt. The are always posting job postitions and some might be for you to take a look at. You can upload you resume to the sight if you like.

Thank You For Serving Our Nation. Stay Strong Brother

Mike Belcher


Stefan Beyer Kirkland , WA

I'm not sure if they have them in your field, but looking into a staffing agency might be the way to go. They've always been helpful for me in the past, and they'll be able to match your goals and qualifications with the numerous jobs which go across their desk. It's a bit of work finding a good recruiter, so work with multiple agencies and stick with the ones working as hard to find you a job as you are.


Paul Schweet Schaumburg , IL

Brian, I am hiring and willing to train. I need sales people accross the country. Give me a call or send me your resume. We help people have a better life. This is in the healthcare field, Company is
my email is
phone 480.874.1515 x282


Joe Floyd Norfolk , VA

Have you thought about private industry? There are many positions that go unfilled, however, you have to keep applying. Network and Network. Try being enthusiastic and show that you are the man for the job. No one can sell yourself like you can. Remember, honesty, integrity and superior product knowledge of yourself and capabilities are the keys.

Good Luck and lets get going.

Joe Floyd


Richard Buck Patterson , NY

Good evening Brain,

First thank you for your service.
Don't give up hope. Also, Keep networking that is the best way now a days to get hired.
I would be honored to review and work with you on your resume and job hunt.

Richard Buck
914 391 3375



Patrick Kelly Virginia Beach , VA

Thanks for your service, don't be discouraged, your skills are highly valued and needed. I retired from AF in 2012 and was extremely discouraged by job fairs and whole BS of Big Companies using my resume to chase govt contracts basically using me without ever getting anything in return.

I started my own business, working harder than ever for last 18 months but very gratifying and there is light at end of tunnel to make it a success. I would say look at the private sector and get involved with legitimate helpful agencies, there are too many non-sense ones that are just smoke and mirrors. Being located in Virginia, look at Virginia Values Veteran Program, These are companies that have committed to the governor to hire veterans. On Aug 28th, there is a V3 Summit at the Westin in Richmond. It's more for employers but they have all committed to hiring veterans, so why not go schmooze with them?

Connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know if there is anything I can do.

Best of luck and hang in there, you have skills needed to get this country moving in right direction.



Alec Pandaleon Millbrook , NY

Brian, the freight railroads of America are very strong on hiring especially veterans. I suggest you do a search and then go to their job boards. I am in the process of hiring on as a railroad police officer.


Majid Zarrinkelk Irvine , CA

Dear Brian,
First and foremost don't be discouraged. Life is nothing but struggle. That's what I believe in.
I deal with lots of small business owners. Have you ever thought to start a business of your own?

As a CPA I'd be happy to serve as your financial advisor to show you how to develop a plan, start and implement.

Warmest regards,


Po Wong Orlando , FL

Hi Brian,
Thanks for your extensive service!
We all know is tough out there just as others shared.

If you like, send me your resume through private message. Let me know what is/are your interest? More importantly can you relocate to different city/regions?



Dr. Scena Webb Auburn , WA

Hi Brian,

Stay in the fight. We are here for you. I will be more than happy to review your resume if you want or look over your LinkedIn profile.

Many Blessings,



Darlene Casstevens Oxford , NC

Hi Brian,
I am sorry to hear you are "down and out" about your job search. I have had those same feelings myself. I have been trying to find full-time work myself since 2012 so I know how you must feel. I also went back to school after being let go as a teacher in 2009. I went back to school myself and graduated in December 2011. The only thing I can think of is to accept a part-time job if possible. I have several part-time jobs and I am hoping one of them will lead to full-time position. Never give up hope! You have accomplished much already. You can do this!


Ginger Terrell Chattanooga , TN

Hi Brian,

I'd like to propose a completely different approach to your job search. I work for a company who is dedicated to helping match veterans with employers who are specifically looking for the special skill set you bring.

Visit, watch the video and then create yourself a profile. This will get your name in the system and begin placing matches in your inbox as employers sign up for our services.

Second, I would encourage you to visit some local BNI chapters in your area. Each meeting is free to visit twice before you'll be asked to join. It is during these meetings you will have an opportunity to tell the group who you are, what your skills are, and what you're looking for.

The link is here:


Tom Cal, CFA San Francisco , CA

I can feel for you, brother. Thanks for your service, I was detached to Marines during the Battle of Fallujah (November-December 2004), and I have great respect for Devil Dogs. Try to stay hopeful. I can assure you there are a lot of people and fellow Veterans who care and want to help assist you, and I'll do my best to help you and to match you up with others who can assist. I'll also message you my cell number in case you want to speak on the phone.

* I advise posting the URL to your LI profile on your ACP profile. If you wish, you may embed a copy of your resume within your LinkedIn profile.

* What are your career goals? What is it that you want to do next?

I took a look at the resume embedded within your LinkedIn profile.

Here is what I propose:
1) Let's, with the help of other advisors and mentors, help you define exactly what it is you want to do next.

Q: What do you want to do next? What are your career goals? (Allocate 15-30 minutes.)

2) Then, lets' help you craft your personal "positioning statement". A version of your positioning statement might serve as the summary section of your LinkedIn profile, and as an "introduction" on top of your resume.

Q: Please let us know what you think of this article and the 3 videos. (Allocate 60 minutes.)!

3) From there, let's continue our conversation and try to help you develop a job-search and career-development strategy.
* craft a plan to build a team of mentors and advisors
* identify specific job-listings that interest you
* help you write a new "base" resume and LinkedIn profile
* craft a career networking strategy
* craft strategy to practice interviewing and career networking skills
* "get involved" with career-relevant professional organizations

4) Once we have some of this accomplished, we will be in a better potion to help you successfully apply for jobs.


Brage Garofalo, M.A. South San Francisco , CA

Hi Brian,
I can certainly understand your frustration. There could be a lot of different factors involved as to why you weren't selected for a job over someone else; many companies are required by law to post a position and even interview even if they have an internal candidate they have already identified for the position. On the flip side, government jobs are especially competitive so it's not that you aren't qualified, it's that someone else got in there first. I noticed in your profile you had project management experience - have you pursued PM/supply chain management positions within this field?

I would be happy to take a look at your resume and/or LinkedIn profile if you are interested in another perspective.
Kindest regards,

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