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How do I approach banks about buying properties in bulk?


Paul Palmer Lenoir , NC

I'd like to further my real estate investing endeavors by approaching banks to purchase bulk REO's but I'm not sure who or how to approach them. I have some funding sources but lack the purchase opportunities. My target market would be Charlotte, Raleigh and Greensboro NC. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

8 August 2020 1 reply Networking



Jeremy Serwer Woodstock , CT

Hello Paul,

While I've been in real estate for many years, I haven't done any REO work. However, it seems to me you could somehow reach out to Bank of America corporate in Charlotte (heavily based there) to find a Vice President in charge of the REO division. Could be a good place to start, and you could do this for any bank/lender holding REO's.

Good luck!


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