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Who can I get information from about becoming a Director in the film industry.


Ryan Cornnor Burbank , CA

Good Morning, I am currently attending New York Film Academy in Burbank for a BFA in Filmmaking. I would love to chat with industry professionals to learn about the difference from school setting to real life settings of the film industry. I am leaning towards becoming a commercial director, but would love to do all sorts of films as a director from shots to features. I would love to talk / network with anyone in the film industry.

29 July 2021 4 replies Networking



Ryan Cornnor Burbank , CA

Thank Y'all for the feedback. This is very helpful.


Jennifer Polhemus Santa Monica , CA

Sign up for as many director/creatives Q&As as you can, and absorb their lessons. Try USC's SCA for example Many are virtual, following virtual screenings of new releases. Be mindful that the question periods are intended for students of the institution, so it's appropriate to just listen and learn.

Or American Cinemateque had Sean Penn (as director) last night; their events are typically not free, but you can ask questions as a member of the general audience. Hint: questions should be about the work, not about how to become a director, but it's a great learning pathway. Best wishes!


Paul Tusting Salt Lake City , UT

It may be worth reaching out to the Sundance Institute, as your request is in-line with their mission.

Good Luck!


Sotir Koev Washington , DC

I can put you in touch with my main producer, he's a Marine. Send me your email and I will connect you with him.

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