Would you be able to refer me to a mentor who could guide me through the product final design and development/marketing phase?
Hi Chad,
My brother-in-law has gone through this experience as well and I would be happy to connect you with him. There has been a lot of lessons learned as he and his family have worked to get his product to market. Here's a link to his site: http://mobilesnopro.com/#4
Send me an email at gary.landrum@urs.com and I'll get you connected. I'm also on LinkedIn if that helps. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-landrum/2/ba9/388
Thank you for your service!
My experience ranges from information technology to intellectual property and patents.
Hello Chad,
It would help to find the right person if you said more about your product. Is it hardware, software, mechanical, physical science, etc.
Not sure I can help you with the actual product final design. However, I can help you understanding your options on how to generate income from the patented product as well as helping you with business development and marketing.
If you would like to discuss please drop me an email at rwmhorizon@gmail.com
Thanks Rich
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