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How can I use social media to attract customers?


Jeff Woodruff Los Angeles , CA

I am self publishing a horror comic book and I have a website and Instagram account with just 1600+ followers but can’t seem to turn those followers into actual customers. What am I doing wrong?

2 November 2020 5 replies Mentoring



Moyra Aguirre Brooklyn , NY

Hi Jeff,

I am a social media manager and content creator. As mentioned above by June, you should definitely build your personal brand (who you are, what you do, your interests & hobbies, etc) Some great example you could look at is the author John Green and his brother Hank Green and Dwayne the Rock Johnson. I mostly recommend you expand your social media reach through Tik Tok and Youtube. Possibly read a story from your book or a section on Youtube and Tik Tok. I definitely do have more recommendations and would love to help! Don't be afraid to message me :)


Jennifer Polhemus Santa Monica , CA

Are you a thoughtful, generous participant in any online forums that attract your potential readers? (Think "Vidcon" and the community around it, except for horror…?)


Keith Van Sickle Menlo Park , CA

I'll share my own experience in self-publishing two books, both of them successful. Maybe there are some tips that will help you.

In my case I sold exclusively through Amazon, as it is by far the largest platform in the world. Then I tried to build early momentum two ways.

First, I got my early buyers (friends and family, of course) to write reviews on Amazon. This is one of the things the Amazon algorithms keys on: number of reviews from verified buyers (not giveaways.) The higher you rank in their algorithm, the more visibility your book gets.

Second, I got lots of book bloggers to review my books on their websites, and sometimes to cross-review on Amazon (depends on their policy.) This took a lot of upfront work. Do a google search for "most popular book bloggers" or "comic book bloggers" or whatever. See what kinds of things they review--most probably won't be a good fit but a few will. Then reach out and ask if they will review your book. Do this with a personal email, not a blast one. For example, look at some of their prior reviews and say something nice about them in your email--that usually gets their attention.

The combination of early reviews on Amazon plus the same on blogger sites can help build early momentum. Then you need to keep marketing--it's never ending!

Best of luck,



June Webb Washington , DC

Dear Charles,

The best way to use Social Media is to create a brand/ story for yourself. People by products/ services based on emotional trust. Then understand your target marketing and communication style of your audience (buyer). You may want to also create a website that link all your social media on your site so that there is a communication flow back on forth.
Please follow me on Linkedin for more about me company and my connections in the Washington DC area.

Visionary Successful Guidance
June Webb


Charles Bowles New York , NY

Hi Jeff,

I recommend that you take a look at our "community" tab to find someone to help with converting Instagram followers into actual customers:

On the community tab, you can filter by "marketing, advertising & communication" and then type in your zip code to find people close in your area to directly message. Let me know if you have any questions.



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