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How do I network with the firm in order for it to consider me as a candidate to interview?


Jiayu Wen New York , NY

I started applying for some veteran's associate programs with the investment banks. What is the right way of networking with the people from the bank to have them refer me to the position?

14 December 2019 5 replies Networking



Paul Tusting Salt Lake City , UT

An alternative approach is to look for past employees at the firm in question (LinkedIn or other searches), and see if they would be willing to chat about the pro's and con's of working there. With this approach, they know you aren't just working them for a job (since they are no longer there), and often they can be pretty transparent about both the good's and bad's. This doesn't have to be mutually exclusive from looking to network with current employees.


June Webb Washington , DC

Hello Ms. Wen

If you like to join my network on Linkedin and I can assist you from there. I am a Life/ Career Coach in Washington DC and I also own a real estate company.
You will see more details of what I do and my clients recommendations and review on the platform.

June Webb


Kevin Hicks Freehold , NY

I second Deanna’s suggestion. Use Google or LinkedIn: Type the name of the bank and “Veteran” or “Veteran’s Program.” You should get some names of Veterans who work there. Message them and offer to buy them a cup of coffee. Tell them you’re considering searching for employment there and want their advice / opinion. That potentially opens the door for a physical hand off of your resume to an HR manager or a discussion with the hiring managers about your potential.

Good luck!


Deanna Corbett Winter Garden , FL

One place to start is searching for the veterans programs of each bank which you are considering employment. A simple Google search for "[Bank name] veterans program" should turn up results that include information about program locations, requirements, benefits, and contact information.

If you have already made contact through the veterans program, a few ideas for building your network include:

- Stay in touch with people in the industry who you've met. Reach out with questions about their area of specialization, or whatever connection point you have in common
- Attend events - or volunteer at events related to the banking industry
- Find and actively participate in LinkedIn groups
- Become a member of a local chapter of related associations and actively participate

Best of luck!


Kevin Harris Franklin , TN

I am not sure there is a "right" way. You probably just need target specific companies, and reach out to their HR departments - and ask how you get your foot in the door. You might also want to look at various organizations, find a local chapter, and ask if you can attend the meeting as a prospect. The following link may help
Good luck!

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