Hello everyone,
I'm retiring after 20 years in the Air Force and will be transitioning to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in the Spring of 2016. My goal is to find a job in the Human Resource Development field. I have roughly 8 years of training program experience but I'm still a year or so away from completing my B.S. in HRD. I have 2 associates degrees that are unrelated to the Human Resources field. Do any of you have advice on how to get started, specifically in finding training & development positions? I'm also interested in networking with HR folks in the DFW area who can help with opportunities and advice. I'm looking forward to your responses. Thank you.
Joining your local chapter of SHRM is a great idea to learn and network. Also, you can list any workshops you attended on your resume.
If it's not too overwhelming with the move and transition, I would also encourage you to volunteer somewhere in Dallas. You can use your training skills for something like new volunteer orientations, etc. It will look good on your resume that you are volunteering, and that you are getting some current experience.
I will encourage you to checkout the Federal Human Resources Management Career Series (0201).
Applying for a federal position will provide you with the following perks:
1. Buy back military time towards retirement
2. Hiring preference (5/10 pts)
Feel free to call me to discuss.
Additionally, my company provides free resume critiques to all military service members. You can submit your resume to us via email or by using our secure online submission form:
Email: Info@ExpertResumeSolutions.com
Form: http://tinyurl.com/nwz27gc
Please allow 3-5 business days for completion.
We use two different formats for corporate and federal applications. I can send you examples of each to get you started.
Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kellywilliamsmaresca
Thank you for your service, and best of luck!
Warmest Regards,
Kelly Williams
Career Strategist & President
Security Cleared Careers
Expert Resume Solutions
Business: (732) 686-6455
Email: info@expertresumesolutions.com
Job Board: wwww.SecurityClearedCareers.com
Hi Tom, Dallas has a wonderful chapter. Go to DallasHR.org. Networking with members is a great place to start. We have monthly networking that you can attend even if you are not a member. Message me your email address and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. My other suggestion would be to look into HR certification.
HI Tom, If you are interested in a Human Resources position, I recommend that you explore joining the local HR association chapter in Dallas/Ft. Worth area. They are a subset of the national association, SHRM. The local and national associations typically have job banks specific to HR openings in their locations and across the country. The job bank is a great place to view what employers have specified as minimum requirements and job duties. It can also help you shape your resume. The associations hold chapter meetings, which would provide you a networking opportunity with other HR professionals. You can do an internet search on HR associations in Dallas. CareerBuilder and LinkedIn are a great avenue to view job openings, explore companies, and connect with other HR professionals. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Pam
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