If any one know of any manufacturing companies hiring in Gainesville Georgia!
You might want to set up an account in USAJOBS first. You will be apply to some vacancies before coming to Atlanta.
Hi Matthew,
Sorry to hear about you getting laid off, as we all know there's no job securities nowadays
If you're still here in Chicago, we can meet in my office and talk to my CEO as well to give you options before you go to Ga, Please let me know so we can set time & date
Thanks for our service
Hi Matthew
There is a Veterans job fair in Georgia Dome, One Georgia Dome Drive, NW, Atlanta, GA30313 on February 4, 2016, 11:00 AM– 3:00 PM. You would have to register at: https://events.recruitmilitary.com/events/atlanta-all-veterans-job-fair-february-4-2016.
Google is a powerful research tool.
Hope this helps. Good Luck.
Google is a great way to find out.
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