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What job would suit me well?


Jarred Shorr Warwick , RI

As I am still serving I am trying to get a jump start on my next move as a civilian. Any advice would be great. Currently, I am the secretary for Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS). The position entails planning trips and events for single Soldiers to boost their morale and then becoming a Team Leader during the period of either the event or the trip. I have enjoyed this experience and am curious as to what jobs would be similar to my position with BOSS. My MOS is also Logistics which seems to go hand in hand with BOSS. My assumption was geared to a group leader for youths in education, mission trips, or the coordination of non-profit agencies?



Markee Cuevas Escalon , CA

So you like your current job-training through the army? This is good to work with in your position, depending upon how much more time you are looking at in service-training and if you still feel the same way when you become a veteran or not; but you have yourself set-up for almost any newer government-based positions. I need to know more about your deployment to give you a specific job-title.

I can help you, please get back to me in an email:

Hope to hear from you ASAP so I can fit you personally with your future!


S G Oceanside , CA

First, thank you for your service.

It's good that you're thinking ahead. Planning is clearly a skill you have.

First things first...

1) In addition to finding a job that suits you well, make sure you take care of your mental well-being so you can keep the job you find and thrive in the workplace as well as in your community.
2) Wherever you decide to live, find local groups with similar interests/backgrounds. (Try
3) Build a solid network of friends and people you can interact with and talk to.

The one key thing that you should remember when looking for a job is networking and connections matter and can help get your foot in the door.

1) Learn how to use it to build relevant skills in the current job market
2) Heed the warnings about posting responsibly
3) Create a LinkedIn profile to showcase your professional skills and build connections

Now to address your question....

I agree with everyone else, start with a skills assessment test but dig down deep and ask yourself....
1) What am I both able and willing to do?
2) Will I enjoy it regardless of the pay?
3) Do I need additional education to reach the level of pay that I can survive on? (Check out Salary,com)
4) What should my salary be to live comfortably (not just survive)?
5) Will I enjoy working at a small company that offers freedom and flexibility or a large one with more stable pay and benefits?

If you need additional education but don't want to waste money and time on classes that you aren't sure about, try researching (Googling) the industry and talking with individuals who do the job you're interested in. Read position descriptions of the jobs you might want in the future and the required education you need to be considered for them.

You can also take free courses on sites like

One thing to remember is that you'll probably work alongside a group of people and spend several hours a day with them so even if you find your dream job, you have to have the social skills to interact with others in the workplace.

Be aware of how your words and actions affect others and communicate effectively with people at all levels.


No matter where you end up, always be open to new ideas and opinions and keep leaning and growing.

Every few years, go through this process again to make sure you're staying true to your life goals.

Good luck in your endeavors!


Bill Felice Springfield , PA

Hi Jarred, your experience indicates you are a creative, flexible, organized and energetic, with very strong interpersonal and social skills. Combine that with your military background and to me you are an ideal candidate for many jobs, including planning, project coordination and management, logistics, etc. A good idea would be to start looking at jobs across these fields to see what type of opportunities appeal to you. I have had a lot of success with, it seems to return the most accurate job results based on my criteria. Once you are discharged definitely set up a Linked In profile. Good luck and thank you for your service.


Tom Cal, CFA San Francisco , CA

If you are serious about discovering what you want to do with your life and career, complete the Flower exercise in the book "What Color Is your Parachute?".

* Chapter 7, "You Need To Understand More Fully Who You Are", p. 110-189.!!!

* Chapter 8, "You Need to Do Some Informational Interviewing", p. 190-209!


Paul Trejo Austin , TX

Hi Jarred,

Thanks for your years served. You like your job at BOSS, i.e. event planning, and that's important. Your title is in Logistics, which is broader, since Logistics coordinates the schedules of people, things or both, and can reach as far as Supply Chain Management -- a global challenge for multinational corporations requiring computer models.

Yet you seem to like the social side better; you're a people person. Ultimately, though, people will follow you only insofar as you know facts and can control events that they don't. That's the power of Logistics, and of course it extends beyond social event planning.

I gather that you're young and socially active. Just remember that Logistics can serve you even in a mid-life career change, if you allow it. Logistics is a necessity for every giant company (like the US Military). Keep your thumb on large companies and Logistics -- you might be glad you did.

All best,


Christy Hradek Northbrook , IL

Also consider Convention Event Planning as options as well as setting up and guiding Tour Groups.


Janey McCarthy Pikesville , MD

Those all sound like good ideas. You might also consider applying to one of the online dating services who are now organizing face-to-face social events for their subscribers.
Assisted living facilities have social directors as do cruise lines.
Best of luck & thank you for your service.


Mary Stern Santa Barbara , CA

I also recommend the book "Now Discover Your Strengths - Strengths Finder" by Tom Rath at Gallop. It has an on line assessment tool which identifies your top 5 strengths. You can order the book from Amazon.

You may want to consider volunteering at a non-for-profit that fits your interest. It's a good way to see if you like the work and the people.


Becky Kelly Staunton , VA

I'm a believer in the assessment tests as well. You can go to a local college and typically they will have a want the assessment with an adviser portion as well as just taking the test. There may even be career professionals in your area that will administer the assessment. You've got some good ideas, but the assessment will expand those parameters even further. I did them and got into a career I had never thought I had the talent to do and I absolutely love it. The assessment gave me the courage to take a job I had previously never considered. Good luck!!


Sam Fabila Ione , CA

If you have ever given a thought to owning your own business working with horses as a farrier I have some info for you. Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School helps individuals just like you. We are fully GI qualified


Sarah Bates Fallbrook , CA

Here's what I would do: contact a career counsellor at a local community college. Tell that person what you do in the military, and use civilian terms. Ask the counsellor what type of college courses you would need to take to find an identical job in the private sector. Community college career counsellors often have former military personnel in their department who specialize in just what you need. Use their resources. Also, contact a local branch of SCORE which is a group of retired business people who team up to help people entering the workforce. Because of their vast experiences, someone very likely might have had the same type of job you are seeking. Finally, and this is very basic, use Google to research the definitions of the job tasks you know how to do. Then use the same keywords to search for a job opening that contains those terms. Apply for every job that even seems like it might fit. Your skills are such that you can "turn on a dime" to make decisions and create ways to solve problems quickly. I have worked with people like you who become invaluable to their companies because of those skills. Good luck.


Barry Sosnick Greenlawn , NY

There are career assessment tests (you probably took one in high school). I am not sure about the quality of online tests.

I would recommend contacting your local library. Many of them have career sections with tests and reference books that will help.

I wish I could be more helpful.


Barry Sosnick Greenlawn , NY

There are career assessment tests (you probably took one in high school). I am not sure about the quality of online tests.

I would recommend contacting your local library. Many of them have career sections with tests and reference books that will help.

I wish I could be more helpful.

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