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Tim Feemster


Role and Company

Managing Principal, Foremost Quality Logistics


40 years experience in operations & logistics


Dallas , TX

About Tim

Tim Feemster, Managing Principal of Foremost Quality Logistics, has over 35 years of experience in site selection, economic development strategy consulting, DC network optimization, 3PL selection, and strategic planning. He has been a manager in three manufacturing companies, a consultant, an executive in two 3PLs, and a Practice Group Leader for two Real Estate Companies. He is a frequent presenter and is quoted regularly in both the supply chain and real estate press. He can be reached at or 469-544-9873.

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Tim's Recent Answers

9 years ago

I have been job searching for a job In the logistics field. I have placed my resume everywhere and am having no luck. Can someone look over it and help me revise it?

Thank you for your service to our country. I agree about LinkedIn. It is a powerful tool for networking and...

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9 years ago

What are the best sites for veterans looking for jobs in Chicago? Best companies to apply too?

If you are interested in supply chain/Logistics positions, and both have job sections on their...

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9 years ago

HELP! I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!

What about a Logistics/supply chain career. That happens to be mine and it is a new day every day. ...

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9 years ago

How to expose a VET in the private/government sector for a new career in Miami?

Send me your resume and I will see what I can do to hook you up with my connections in...

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9 years ago

Looking to talk to a high level Executive Recruiter - Any contacts?

I am not sure a recruiter is the best source of career advice. I would look to people in your...

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