Also does anyone have an army issue sleeping bag such as the 4 piece sleep system. I could also really use some MRE's if anyone has any. I do not expect anyone to give these items to me and I do have some money for them.
Good Morning,
Thank You very much Megan for this information. I will reach out to whoever I can find that may be able to help me. Thank you Megan and everyone at the ACP staff for allowing me to reach out to other veterans through this platform.
David Sharpe
Hi David,
Thank you very much for your service and for utilizing ACP AdvisorNet. An ACP staff member has reached out to via private message to discuss with you.
The things you are looking for could be found in a variety of places. First, I recommend checking out your local Salvation Army and Goodwill stores to see if they have the items you require. Facebook groups and eBay are also great places to search. You can also reach out to local veteran organizations who may know where you can find items such as these.
I hope this helps! Please reach out if you would like further information or have any other questions.
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