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Resume help - Operator to Sales


Tyler Birrittella Virginia Beach , VA

I am set to transition from the military in a couple months and am seriously considering a career in sales. While I have utilized many wonderful transition resources in my networking journey, my resume still speaks to my operational skill-set.

I would like to attract employers in the sales field, but the unfortunate truth is I do not have much sales experience. Everyone has to get their foot in the door somehow and that is all I am really looking for.

13 September 2021 4 replies Resumes & Cover Letters



Steve Prew Littleton , CO

Hey Tyler, I would be happy to help. If you like, feel free to email me your resume to and I'll have a look. I've been in one form of sales or another for just over 20 years and am happy to help. I can also help refer you to any of the organizations I manage relationships to. Thanks.

Steve Prew


Drew Schildwächter Wilmington , NC

Tyler, there are some good points in other replies about the selling you have done. Even if you have not carried a bag, so to speak, you've made "sales" throughout your career. I met up with another Marine last weekend and we discussed our good success making this comparison as we left active duty (both infantry).

Also consider that you cannot compete on this alone. Other people have done more and more relevant selling. What sets you apart from them? There is a mystique to the SEALS that will have cachet with people. Also, being disciplined, proactive, a leader, and a team player are all valuable sales traits you can prove in spades. Sales is a field in which turnover allows people to let you prove yourself, and if you can prove a strong foundation they can train you with the skills you do not yet have.


James Vickery Ogden , UT


Welcome to the veteran life. One of the biggest challenges is 'de-militarizing' your resume, in addition to making what you have done sound like a business. As military personnel we cannot make a profit - that is illegal, so we have to show what we have done in a different way. Managed resources, led people, saved time through process improvements - all things that can be captured by using the +#, -#, $ and % Jerry mentioned.

I have a couple of good templates I have used to help others write effective resumes that have resulted in job offers (2/3, so far, with two more pending) if you are interested. Build a 'master resume' that you can use to tailor for specific jobs and the key words in the job requisitions. The hard part is getting past the automated systems to get to an HR recruiter.

Think about the 'sales' you have already performed in your career: selling your CO on a project or operation; selling your team on the benefits of 'one more mile' during PT (I was only moderately successful at that one); briefings you have provided to command staff (decision, information, project updates, etc.) - all of these have been 'sales' to some degree or another, so when you say 'lack of experience' you probably have more than you realize.

Let me know if you want to discuss the resume process further. Standing by.



Jerry Welsh Middleville , MI

First I would suggest connecting to Michael Quinn on LinkedIn he is running a LinkedIn workshop on the 16th and there is a direct registration to it. You will find a number of transition folks highly recommend Informational Interviews. If you pull up the do's and don'ts of Informational Interviewing this is a great way to start learning about the career. This is an excellent to get your foot in the door, seek information first, learn about the career in the mean time you are creating a network. Your profile indicates you are a program manager, so that is what people will find you under. Searches use your TAG line first, if that does not read the position description they are looking for the search stops. This is why signing up for a program with Michael, or when you get less than a year obtain you "premium" LinkedIn which has some online courses also.
I know the Seal Foundation or other Seal organizations assist special operators work on networking, especially those who do not want to looked at as a Seal, rather than a potential operational manager or sales person. Again, TAG line concise to a career field, short summary of your qualifications, and accomplishments with #$% to accent value will keep recruiters reading. Remember that you are part of the 0.5% of Americans who serve their country. You are very well respected, but the chance civilians have been part of the 0.5% simply means they will not understand your language or experiences-without translation. Thank you for your support and sacrifices. God Bless

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