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Need a career pro to mentor an aspiring Cyber Security specialist


John Reynolds Novato , CA

One of our veterans, a former MP, has successfully completed our Cyber Security Career On-Ramp. Her aptitude, dedication, drive and intelligence bode well for success as a professional in the space. She now needs someone who can guide her along the learning path and help her make the resource and industry connections that will surely lead to a great job with just the right support. Any employer would be fortunate to have her. Please feel free to contact me directly if you are that person.

28 January 2021 5 replies Career Advancement



June Webb Washington , DC

Hi John,

If she is willing to relocate to the DC area, I can help her.
Have her connect with me on Linkedin.

Visionary Successful Guidance
June Webb

29 January 2021 Helpful answer


Todd Cloutier Woburn , MA

Hello John,

I am currently a Cyber Defense Technologist at Raytheon Technologies. I would love to help out by giving your candidate an internal referral. Please message me for more information.

The careers website is:



John Reynolds Novato , CA

Thank you June. I've given Jenny your coordinates, and I fully expect she'll be reaching out to you soon.


John Reynolds Novato , CA

I've passed this along. Thank you Tim.

More broadly, I'm wondering if there's a way to communicate with groups of fellow advisors who share common interests / capabilities without the need for 1-1 communication.


Tim Cochrane New York , NY

Hi John,
If she has served 180 days active duty post 9/11, you should have her apply to our full-year mentorship program. She will be paired up with a career professional for a year to help guide her every step of the way. She need only go to our website and fill out an application and our team will take it from there.
Semper Fidelis

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