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What are your thoughts on Hiring National Guard and Reservist


Saurabh Panchal New York , NY

Recently I read in Harvard Business review that "companies are less likely to hire current militry reservist " and other online post suggest same as well. I want to ask this community about their experience .Does it being in reservist /National Guard will affect in your job search ?. Yes I am aware of the law that protects the Reservist and national guard but still there are loop holes. we have 2 weeks of Annual training and some times drill on a weekdays.Also possibility of deployments.I want get the experience of any National guard or reservist who specifically work for large corporation full time or as contractor/consultant positions Also How to manage both civilian and military career?.Also I want to get the thoughts of the experinced Mentors and any suggestions they like to share.

17 May 2019 7 replies General



Saurabh Panchal New York , NY

Thank you everyone !! Lot of good suggestions. Appreciate it .


Charles Griswold Charleston , SC

Hi Saurabh. In my experience in the past at ExxonMobil and now at BP, my employers have been very supportive of my Reserve career.

The best way I have managed this is to make sure I communicate with my managers on my annual commitments as best as possible and it has never been an issue.

You also inquired about managing two careers and this can be a challenge. As I have progressed up the ranks (currently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve) one often has to travel farther from home for weekend duty. Additionally, as you must maintain your professional military education, this will take further time away from free time you might otherwise have. It is a challenge but well worth it in my opinion.



Terry Boyd Springfield , VA

There are many companies that work with professionals to accommodate those who are still serving their country and are required to Drill, AT, and potentially get activated and deploy. ACP can definitely help you tap into many of those companies. The previous poster mentioned IBM has an internal program, at Deloitte we do as well. There may be some truth that smaller firms are not as able to handle absences, but those that are in the business of working with the military may actually find it valuable and I can think of plenty of examples of small companies that are extremely understanding of the unique demands on those Serving in National Guard and Reserves.

My advice is that there are plenty of employers out there who understand and appreciate your Service in the National Guard and Reserves. Don't be afraid to ask how a company views this Service and what types of programs or procedures they have to support those in the National Guard and Reserves. If a company is not supportive - look elsewhere. It is likely they are not a good fit for you anyway.


Steven Mathews Spring , TX

Depends on the size of the company.
You create a large "hole" in a small company when you are off for your 2 Weeks AD. If your AD time happens to coincide with a busy time of the year for the small business, your absence is even more pronounced and keenly noted. How would you feel as the small business owner if a key employee is not available during a crucial period?
Large companies tend to have a lot of inertia in their organization. The absence of one person, even a key individual, is a small bump in the road.


Eileen O'Connor Fort Lauderdale , FL

Government jobs will give you the flexibility you need and pay you


Henry ("Dr. Hank") Stevens Fort Lauderdale , FL

When I was actively engaged with Human Resources and recruiting, I would "step on the rope" for my fellow Vets. I am sure that there are many others out there who will also help and do the same.

Don't be dissuaded by that article in the HBR - IF true, it is just about odds and not about YOU!

Identify your talents and sell those in your resume, interviews, and elevator pitch. Education and experience take a back seat to talent - every time.

Need help identifying and quantifying your talents, go to this website for a free assessment. It's pretty good and the price is right!

If you need help with the interpretation, beyond what is offered at the web site, feel free to contact me off this line and I will share my two cents with you - also free:

Dr. Hank


William Hinz Seaford , DE

I served 6 years in the Army National Guard while working at IBM. They not only gave me time off for drills, summer camp and several short deployments but continued to pay my regular salary while I was away. I would advise you to ask companies you are considering for employment what their policies are for reservists. The military receives a lot more respect today than when I served during the 60's and 70's. I think and hope you may be surprised on the support you would get from many companies.

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