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Looking for resources to obtain Coaching Certification. Can you advise?


DeShawn Smith Louisville , KY

I am looking to obtain a Coaching Certification in Life and Business Coaching. Does anyone know of any resources that might pay for it or offer a scholarship. I am currently working on my Masters and can not justify another expense. Please let me know if you have any leads or suggestions? Thanks!

13 March 2019 11 replies Small Business



Darcy Eikenberg, ACC Bonita Springs , FL

Here's my question--why do you want to do this AND get your Master's? I'm guessing you started your master's program with a specific intention and goal as to what it will move you toward. Don't get distracted with shiny objects like the idea of "coaching." You don't need a certificate to apply coaching skills in your day-to-day business life; however if you want to make a business of it, you are best served investing in professional training outside any academic environment. As others have said, there aren't really "scholarships" for that level of professional development. Before you'd take on more training commitments, though, you're better served to work with your own coach to get clear on why you're already doing what you're doing--and whether it's really what you want. Good luck!

27 March 2019 Helpful answer


Brenda Dilts West River , MD

Hi Emmanuel,

The answer to your question is not a simple one. I would say it depends on the type of certification you are looking for, the specific program/training institute you want to attend, and if you are also looking to get your ICF certification as part of your training program.

There are several great university programs as already mentioned. George Town has an outstanding program. But there are also training companies that you can get certified through that are approved by ICF and count towards the mandatory education hours.

Look at the programs that are ICF certified to determine which one might work best for you. In the meantime here is what I found through a simple google search.

The Coach Training Academy
Scholarship Assistance Program
If your motivated to become a professional coach but lack enough funds please apply.

Leadership at Work Scholarship

I would also look at your states workforce development agency. They often provide training grants to companies to help support employee growth and business expansion.

I received my training through the Coach Training Institute and found it an incredible program. I would have also chosen the George Town program had I been aware of it.

Good Luck.

27 March 2019 Helpful answer


Markita Brooks Richmond , VA

Business coaching is not a regulated field. Hence, a certification is not required. What you need is the know-how and experience. I also suggest getting a coach yourself. There are lots of coaches for coaches. They'll help you focus your energies to develop the business you actually want to have. Also, what's your Master's Degree in? If it's Business, that'll be an asset as a business coach. If it's not, think about using it to help you on the Life Coaching side. Be intentional in everything you do.


Patrick E Alcorn Arlington , TX

D-Emmanuel, if it were me, I would focus on doing more rather than certifying more.

Start coaching and certify as needed. Begin working in your "sweet spot", coaching what you know, where you have experienced success. Add certifications as you grow and expand to other areas of coaching.

If you already have an intake process and a coaching program, try to get started coaching, immediately. They even have a training program to help you grow your coaching business.

Also, as Phillip mentioned, a coaching franchise can give you instant credibility (at least until you get your first client). After your first client, your credibility will increase based upon your marketing to get the next client and the impact you have on previous clients. Find out more at the Veterans Franchise Expo at

In the meantime, take this free assessment to discover your personal business profile:


DeShawn Smith Louisville , KY

I would like to thank everyone for your responses. My end goal for this question is to see if there are any available options for assistance with coaching credentials. Beyond my current educational and/or goals, work status, or financial status, I am searching for resources to obtain my credentials. We never know what is available until we ask.

I am aware that it is not a requirement to hold coaching credentials in order to be a coach. However, I would like to learn systems that others have already put together and have been successful. I am currently starting out and would like to learn more in a structured setting. I have searched options through ICF and will continue exploring until I see a fit.

I have been coaching others for a while, but I was offering my services for free until I discovered coaching some time before my Master's program. My goals are consistent and coaching is something my school advocates for each of its students. I wish I could respond individually but for some reason, this system does not allow. My question is still the same and if you don't have a direct answer it is okay. I appreciate all the different perspectives and resources given, I will put them to use.

Thanks Again,



Sky storms Ocala , FL

Hi Emmanuel,
When people write a “How to” book, I believe they should consolidate ideas so that the reader gets the meat of the message as clearly and quickly as possible. I did so after 50 years of helping people become employed by showing them how to stack the deck in their favor when job hunting. One of the problems with a book is, it is obsolete before the ink dries. Because of this I’ve updated it 3 times.

Early on, I worked with 11th & 12th grade students in a Vocational Tech. High school helping them get successfully launched into the world-of-work. Later on I discovered that the same information and techniques worked well for ANY age level of people who had little or NO job hunting experience.

My preparation for this was a combination of both in-the-trenches job experience, and education. I had 37 blue collar jobs over a 3 year period immediately after discharge from the Air Force. While getting my masters in Voc. Tech. Ed. At SUNY Oswego, I discovered a course called “Cooperative Vocational Education Coordinator.” This changed my entire occupational focus. I had found a way to apply all the experience I’d had acquired as a job drifter.

I invite you to check my website and see if you think I can help you. If yes, please contact me. If no, I wish you the very best of luck in your job hunt. Persist in your quest


Marcia Glatman Warren , NJ

Sometimes government agencies provide career coaching and they will train career coaches in their methodology, and award a certificate after the training. Check with the unemployment office. The training is free.

In New Jersey, there are two organizations that provide career coaching. One is called The Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey. It is a non-profit and may exist in other States. Another is called New Start Career Coaching and it is sponsored by Rutgers University. Check with universities in your geography to see if they have something similar.

Libraries usually offer career coaching as do non profits that provide career coaching as one of their services. Again, they could offer to certify you in their methodology, the training is free and you end up with a certificate that you could use as a credential.

Hope this is helpful


Taube Weiner Dedham , MA

H Emmanuel,

I am a career coach and have a master's degree in education. I don't think that you need to have a coaching certificate. Your Masters degree should be good enough.

Finding exactly what population you want to work with, create a website, join some associations, network, is how you'll get your clients. I have worked in an outplacement firm, a college, and on my own.
Please feel free to check out my

Contact me if you want to talk more.

Taube (pronounced like Tobi)


Isilay Cabuk Sunnyside , NY

Hi Emmanuel,

I do not know any place to help with tuition. Are you working currently? Can your employer pay for your schooling? I definitely recommend checking the ICF website for schools that are accepted by ICF to help you decide.
Good luck and please reach out if you have more questions?


Andy Bergin Greenwich , CT


I'm a professional communication coach and an informal career coach. I'm not aware of any scholarship resources for a coaching certificate. Columbia University Coaching Certificate is about $20K. I think that the International Coach Federation (ICF) coaching certificate is similar. Coaches like Tony Robbins have life coaching institutes by they are expensive too. Outside of you setting up a personal Go Fund Me campaign or discovering a rich relative, I can't suggest anything very helpful. I started my coaching business based on 28 years of experience in Wall Street, with no certificate. Bottom Line - if you believe that you're a strong business coach for entrepreneurs - go pitch yourself to entrepreneurs. Even offer a prove-it-for-free coaching gig in return for their marketable endorsement of you as a coach. One client leads to others and all of a sudden, you've got a business. In any case, it will help you hone your message. Remember - beyond a certificate, potential clients will want to know your track record of client success. That's the highest hurdle to overcome. Also, contact Bunker Labs - a veteran's group that has chapters around the country and helps veterans become entrepreneurs. You may find colleagues there who are doing similar things. If I were you, I'd pursue business coaching over life coaching. Life coaching can get too close to therapy - doing that without a license can be problematic unless you lay down very strict professional guardrails on what you will and won't coach people on.

Contact me at if you'd like to talk further. Andy


Phillip Nelson Tyrone , GA

Hi Emmanuel,

Another option that you may want to consider is investing in a franchise business opportunity as an alternative. This represents a way to not only achieve relevant certifications, but also a turn-key business complete with intellectual property and programs designed to leverage strengths for individuals and business owners. It will also include proven marketing plans and support to help you acquire and monetize customers and deliver value. Obviously this also represents an investment on your part, but you may have funding options or Vet friendly incentives that can help lower your expense. I am a Certified Franchise Consultant and if it makes sense, I will be happy to provide more details. Thanks!

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