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Who can help me with updating and improving my resume?


Lynne York Madison , AL

I need advice on how I can improve my resume.

22 March 2016 18 replies Resumes & Cover Letters



John Kellogg Wellesley Hills , MA

Hi looks like you're getting plenty of great information on preparing your resume. The critical point I would add is that you should think of your resume as only one part of the way you present yourself to your target audience. I believe it is critical to differentiate your approach so you are not just another resume in a stack of 450+ in some HR executive's email folder. I highly recommend a book by Jeffrey Fox titled "Don't Send a Resume" and suggest that you order it on Amazon and take away the ideas that you feel comfortable with. In the job search process it's all about creating a powerful unique value proposition…and then developing an INTERESTING differentiated "marketing campaign". It's more work this way…and you have to get creative...but well worth the investment! Best of luck....John

19 May 2016 Helpful answer


DF Jackson Washington , DC

I got a good analysis of my resume from Katie Resume services:

Katie Warren
TopResume Resume Expert
149 E 23rd St | Suite 1709 | New York, NY 10010


Gordon Stables San Diego , CA

thank you for your service. These are all great answers. For my two cents, I'd like to suggest the book "Expert Resumes for Military to Civilian transitions" by Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark available in local libraries. Also, one of my Wounded Warriors that I advocate for, told me that he has 13 versions of his resume. I asked him where did his ideas come from. He replied "You Tube".
All the best in your search.


Anthony Greco Cresskill , NJ

If you still want another opinion please send it my way. I am a writer and former editor with 25 years in communications.


Gail Baccetti Lake Geneva , WI

Lynne, it looks like you've had lots of responses, but I'm also happy to help. I have my Master's in HR and worked as a Career Consultant. Most of my career was in sales, so I know how to promote your "product", i.e., yourself. If you want to email your resume to me at, I'll take a look.


Cully Cavness Denver , CO

Happy to help if you need another set of eyes - good luck!


Deborah Meyer Columbus , OH

Lynne: Another good book is "What color is my parachute?" Updated periodically and you should be able to check it out of your local public library.
Good Luck!


Tony Smith Lake Mary , FL

Feel free to send a copy of your resume to me and I will give it a review and feedback.


Douglas Lavelle Chatham , NJ

I would be assist. At your convenience, please send your resume to me. Many thanks for your service.


David Leibowitz Short Hills , NJ

Lynne- you received a lot of good responses. I can only add that your resume should be tailored to the specific job you're looking for and should not be longer than a page or two at the most. If you like, I can take a look at it. I'm at


Peter Billard Glastonbury , CT


You might consider having a master resume on which you then tailor-adjust it for each specific company or position to which you submit it. Keep a separate text document on your computer where you cut and paste useful snippets. It's your repository of good and appropriate phrases. Just as you customize your cover letter for individual recipients, so also tweak your resume using your collection of snippets.

Along with the hard facts of your experience, dates, roles, and responsibilities, in some way include the intangible qualities you possess, whatever you make them out to be. Employers are not only looking at professional skills, but place weight on:

• how well you interact with others
• your people skills
• how you well work with others as a unit
• how you can take charge as well take direction
• analytical prowess
• risk assessment
• task completion
• ability to initiate, conceive, and create solutions
• how well you stand up to challenge, set backs, road blocks, delays, and distractions
• resolve, commitment, integrity, discipline, tenacity, and so forth
• ability to 'read' a situation and determine appropriate responses

A company can pay someone to perform work, but they can't pay someone to have honesty, good judgment, integrity, strength, and good character. A person must already have those qualities beforehand, and they can't be faked. Figure out the best way to describe those characteristics and use them to advantage when pitching yourself to a company or person.

I wish you all the best!


James Watson San Diego , CA

Hi Lynne-

I am retired after a 40 year career in industry where I hired over 100 people. Now I am helping veterans like yourself by helping with their resumes. If you would e-mail me your resume in Word to ( I would be happy to comment on it.
Jim Watson


Samantha ONeil Alexandria , VA

Lynne -- I see you've received good responses, above. If you have any lingering questions or would like another set of eyes on your resume, please do not hesitate to message me. I have experience hiring and being hired in the government and private sectors, and am happy to review and offer some tips.



Pat Cullins Pompano Beach , FL

I am on the Advisory Committee that helps Veterans prepare their resumes and prepares for interviews. A free program, no cost to the Veteran. Also helps with job placements in much higher than entry level jobs. Check out their link below:


Deb Yeagle Tampa , FL

Thanks for your service!
If you will message me and send your resume then I will help you develop your baseline resume which you can use and tailor for specific job announcements.
Next, if there are specific positions you are applying for, then I can help you tailor your baseline resume to the specific requirements of those positions.
Thanks again!


Krystal Yates Lewisville , TX

Hi Lynne, I'd be happy to look it over. Send it to me with a note about what kind of job you are hoping to find. My email address is


Stephen Taylor Roanoke , VA

If you want to email me your resume and tell me about the position(s) you are applying for. You have to tailor your resume to the position that you want. Email me at

Have a great day,

Kile Taylor


Stefan Beyer Kirkland , WA

If you could give some more details of what's on your resume, we'd be able to help you out with more specific suggestions. I've written an article regarding resumes which you might find helpful:

There's also a page for other articles regarding Resumes & Cover Letters:

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