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Erik Stonebraker


Military Service

U.S. Marine Corps Corporal


4 years served


Seeking a career in any profession


Williamstown , WV

About Erik

I am a hard working individual with an impeccable work ethic. I have been in the eye care industry for twenty one years and feel I have a lot of potential that is being left on the table. I served four years in my beloved Marine Corps. I was stationed at Cherry Point and Camp Hansen respectively. I have several Meritorious Masts and CerComs. My passion is travel and getting to meet new people from different walks of life.

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Erik has volunteered to be available for private messages. Feel free to send a conversational message but remember to be succinct and mindful of the other person’s time.

Message Erik

Questions by Erik

3 years ago

I have been in the eye care industry for 21 years. Are there any government facilities that are hiring lab technicians?

I have managed a lab that makes eyeglasses for 21 years and have seen this industry turn greedy. I am wondering...

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