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jeffrey nagle


Role and Company

ISSM, Raytheon


6 years experience in information technology


Altadena , CA

About jeffrey

I was a mentee in the ACP program in 2014, but did not benefit from it.

Why am I interested in being a mentor for the ACP program?
I'm a successful US Army officer about to promote to O5 in the reserves. I have been rejected by the US Army Special Forces despite having completed 90% of the training. I have successfully served multiple OCONUS deployments with distinguished awards and still serve now.
In 2013 Special Forces rejected me and I struggled to gain civilian employment. Macy's, McDonalds, TSA, DHS, FBI, local police departments, etc... all rejected or ignored my applications. I had a ACP mentor. In hindsight, we did not connect and IMHO, he was not able to relate/ understand my situation or sympathize with the transition I was going through.

2021, I am now gaining success within my civilian career and figured out a number of items that have contributed to my success. The bulk of my epiphanies circulate around an internal tenacious drive toward two items: 1. always work toward YOUR defined goal of success and 2. DO NOT let your current negative situation consume you. (There are many more things that I learned like "do what you love/ like for employment" is a CRAP statement, etc...) I now want to share these 'lessons learned' with service members who need a little help, advice, guidance, etc...

Having failed at a number of civilian jobs, military schools, served in every rank from E1-E6 and O1-O4 for over 20 years, and continue to serve, I believe I have value to offer veterans who need guidance/ direction during a very pivotal and critical time in their life. Am I a millionaire, CEO, wealthy... no. But... I have figured out a way to navigate a life obstacle that nearly made me a drug addict and homeless. Maybe I can help other veterans along a similar path.

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jeffrey has volunteered to be available for private messages. Feel free to send a conversational message but remember to be succinct and mindful of the other person’s time.

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