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Dennis Waters


Military Service

U.S. Army Specialist


4 years served


Seeking a career in consulting


Gaithersburg , MD

About Dennis

Military 1971-1974 26L20 Microwave Systems Operator/Repairman. Sp4-Acting Sgt. Honorable Discharge.

B2B Sales Support Customer Representative (Bell Atlantic - Pre- Verizon) One of my clients at the time, was a small company called the Washington Post, ( total time with these companies was from 1976-1980). As B2B Sales I supported the Account executive of that account.

Oakwood University 1981-1982 Elected Treasurer of the Religion and Theology Forum, Graduated from Oakwood University, 1982, Sum Cum Laude, Served as senior minister in a three church district Southern NJ, directly out of undergrad, 1982-1984, Grad School, (Seminary) 1984-1986, While serving as minister in local church in Petersburg, VA and also served as Religious Coordinator at Virginia State University for one year, 1993-1994 under VSU President Dr. Wesley McClure

Highlight of the Petersburg Pastorate: Increased weekly attendance at worship service 50%, youth involvement in activities 75%, increase tithes and offerings of church giving 25% within the first two years of service at church. Wrote a proposal to set up a four-parish ministry arrangement for the leadership of church of 500 plus member church to better serve the membership spread out over a 50 plus mile area, provided leadership to my staff of 8 elders/assistant pastors and 16 deacons/deaconesses. Awarded $50,000.00 to implement the program. Resulted in establishment of 2 new churches established, membership increase of 10%, tithe and offerings increase of 15% annually, and reduction of challenges to the leadership structure of the church. Number of members added to the over all district between 75 to 100 members via these parishes at the time when all were functioning. At least one of which remains in operation in the same area, more than 25 years later. In other words a more effective and efficient church operation.

MS in Telecommunications Management (UMUC, 01)

1997: founded Spirit of Victory and Praise International Spiritual Center

This church or spiritual center teaches what is called universal principles/laws of cause and effect, found in all spiritual traditions. I also lead seminars and workshops two of which named Transforming Trauma Through Transcendence and Healing Spiritual and Emotional Scars and Wounds.

In 2005 I received a DMin from Howard University School of Divinity. Received a dissertation of the year award for my dissertation, "I Will Restore...".

In 2005 began to conduct seminars and teach according the Study workbook I developed and also later incorporated a Non-Profit associated with the dissertation named, "I Will Restore, Inc." Served as Graduate Assistant to Professor. Served as assistant to him on Educational Trip to Egypt and Israel consisting of 50 people, students and others. Graduated with honors from Howard University School of Divinity.

In 2007 led a mission trip of seven (7) persons from Spirit of Victory and Praise Community Church to Kisumu Kenya for a 21-day trip to conduct meeting and visit schools and orphanages to investigate the stories that were reported to us and respond to a request for help. Had already led the church in organizing a relief wherein we sent two railway cars of goods and supplies to the people of Kisumu, Kenya.

We then traveled to Kisumu, Kenya to complete the mission and visit the people to see what additional assistance we could provide. It was all successful. The cost of the goods shipped to Kisumu and the missionary trip in total, is estimated to be roughly between $60,000.00 to $75,000.00.

The number of people helped by visitations to various orphanages, schools, daily visitations to homes, and nightly meetings would be an estimate of between 3,000 to 7,000 people. We baptized roughly about 100 plus people as a result of our meeting and established/organized/incorporated a sister church in Kenya.

As a minster, church leader, it has been my responsibility to lead churches as it relates to conducting executive board meetings to oversee the operations of the local church.

The executive board consist of the leadership of the various departments of the church. This includes various community public relations projects the church would engage in such as annual evangelistic/outreach/public relations meetings.

Significant events of this type have been conducted entitled "The Donnie McClutchin Gospel Concert" in 2005; Transforming Trauma Through Transcendence" in 2013.

These events have changed lives, transformed lives. Transforming Trauma Through Transcendence had about 100 people in attendance, the cost was minimal to us. The return was also minimal as we only had the collected the cost of the books. The benefit to the people, enormous.

Also, another item is the establishment of an all-volunteer staffed free to attend After-School Program at an Inner City Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland. The After School Program was attended by 172 students, was staffed by 75 plus volunteers, included ten (10) work study students from Morgan State University, and some from a Baltimore Religious High School, as well as many of the parents of the children. We planned the program for 9 weeks and were operational for 8 weeks. Eight Glorious Weeks.

The After School program was requested by the principal of the school. It was thereafter visioned, led, designed/initiated planned, executed, conducted or run, with the help of all the volunteers and finally closed by myself and wife, as administrators. It is something we are proud of. The young people loved it as well. They begged to come to the program.

In 2015 I returned to school, this time at Walden University to study for the Ph.D in industrial/organizational psychology, with a specialty in executive leadership development and coaching. My particular interest is the human at his/her highest level of being, doing, having, via intrinsic motivation and positive character strength activations. The For Profit business that brings me here is named, "Restore Executive Life and Leadership Coaching and Consulting."

It is a coaching and consulting business. It is based on the idea of developmental coaching espoused in the writings of people like Stephen Covey when he says "Private Victory precedes Public Victory," which is the same thing espoused and advocated by Robert Kegan and others as well as people like W. Edward Demings, and Peter Senge and still others.

Mind you these things I have thought about, practiced, and therefore lived for a number of years, in a way privately. The contribution I can make is sharing and coaching these concepts via the things learned from the John Maxwell Coaching and Training Programs and the Walden University Classes and I/O Program. The desire is to ensure that my practice is in line with the practices required and needed by those who have done this for years.

The desire that I have is to coach and consult with leaders regarding this particular way of working with other leaders and with organizations and to understand the practicality of these ideas for a wider application.


Dennis L. Waters, Sr.

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Message Dennis

Questions by Dennis

4 years ago

Establishing a Coaching and Consulting Business

First of all, I was encouraged to write this question by the question and the answers posted on this site...

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5 years ago

Let me know what you think about the "About me" section of my profile, and its application to listing such on a resume of a coach?

I am in the process of writing my PhD dissertation for my program of industrial/organizational psychology. I have had...

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